Monday, December 13, 2010

Nice Guys

It has been said that nice guys finish last. It seems like every time I do the right thing it all gets turned around on me. Why do you think that is? Yes I am a little bitter today. Whether is it work or personal it seems that no good deed goes unpunished. Is it the way of the world or the working of the evil? Is there a difference?

For decades I have believed that the forms of evil are the devil, the world and my own sinful self. I still believe that all those come into the arena every day. But it seems like there are times when those forces are working stronger than others. Today is one of those days. What is the way of dealing with those issues? Prayer has helped in the past. Anger is always an option. Despair is not too much fun. I wonder what would happen with meditation. Or perhaps medication.

Some people choose to feel sorry for themselves. Others may get mad about the situation. There is depression to look forward to. Others find solace in alcohol and sexual satisfaction. I think I know my course of action. I choose a different course that I think you may want to try too.

There is a different form of self medication that I am considering. Let’s take all the problems in our lives and let them go. Now take that energy you would use to get mad or sad and turn it to something productive. Today I got some bad news at work that made me think nice guys finish last. The option of becoming like the others crossed my mind for quite a while. But I have decided that being a good person is what I want to be. I don’t want to become that which I hate. Fame and fortune may not be in the cards for me but I will actually be able to look myself in the mirror when I wake up from a sound, peaceful sleep.

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