I remember watching those commercials
for Life Alert Emergency Response. There was a little old lady who
had fallen. Yes, I am one of the millions of jerks who laughed and
made jokes about it! Give me a break I was only 21 at the time and
couldn't imagine not being able to get up from a simple little fall!
Or could I?
There I was at the bottom of a long
flight of stairs trying to get the ringing out of my ears. The
details after all this time are still a little fuzzy but I do
remember an accidental acrobatic action that left me in a crumpled
heap with a broken a bruised body. You see I had fallen and I
couldn't get up. Mine was not in the bathroom but in a very public
place. My left ankle, which I have never trusted since that day,
chose the second step from the top of the stairs to sprain thanks to
a poorly placed pad. And then the somersault assaulted me!
There are times in life when we hear
that subtle little voice telling us it is time to slow down and take
a break. Then there are other times where life breaks you to make you
slow down. This was one of the latter moments.
When you lose faith in someone else is
it sad. When you lose your faith in God is it tragic. When you lose
faith in yourself it is almost impossible to get back up again. That
is the real cry of “Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!” That
day would lead to me losing faith in myself but it also lead to a
type of rebirth of faith in myself.
You see I tried to get back up and go
back to work after taking a day off to recover. Hey! Remember I was
21 and still indestructible. And then hit hit me as I discovered a
couple of things about myself. I have a rare side effect of codeine:
mood alteration. Usually I am a pretty good guy. On codeine I am a
sociopath. It is usually a good idea to keep it out of my system. The
second thing I learned was that I have limitations and have a
tendency to push myself beyond them and hurt myself.
There are times when you must take a
break and look at what and who you are. That was my wake up call to
step back and look. It was a moment to rethink and remake my life.
What are the things you need to stop and consider? Is this your time
to step back and look at your life? Look carefully before you fall
and can't get back up.